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12/15/08 It's Christmas in SW!

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Look what I found in my room!

SNOW on all my outdoor area!  :yes!:  They even hung 3 stockings on my fireplace, and a wreath on my door!

ETA:  Ah, just found the blog about Christmas:

It’s Christmas at SmallWorlds!
December 15th, 2008 - Hilary Jackson

 We’ve kept you all waiting… and we’re sorry its all a little later than we had planned. Suffice to say that it has been an extra busy time for us here at SW HQ with the 1.0 Release and all that this has entailed for us - phew!

Next year we promise we’ll be more organised, and we’ll have those Christmas decorations out to you in October, just like in the shops 

So, come now and join with your SmallWorlds friends for some yummy Christmas feasting, and spend time together around the yuletide tree!


Wrapped Gifts!
We’ve introducing the ability to send wrapped gifts to your friends - and you can even choose the date upon which the gift can be opened.  When the recipient clicks the wrapped gift,  it will simply say who it is from, and when they can open it! Any item from your inventory can be gifted (you will be asked at time of gifting if you would like it to be wrapped). This will be a standard SmallWorlds feature from now on, but we felt that Christmas was the perfect time to introduce it!

 Wouldn’t life be worth the living, wouldn’t dreams be coming true
If we kept the Christmas spirit,  All the whole year through?
~Author Unknown


Its snowing in Woodlands Park…  time for a snowball fight!
Snowball fight anyone?  Check out the Snowball Shooter - available now in the “Happy Xmas” store! Grab one and give your friends a truly cool surprise! Pictured below are a few SW players we found having fun in gorgeous snow-covered Woodlands Park.  A great place to run around in a Snow Fox suit!


Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.  ~Bobby (7 yrs old)


In-World Christmas Items
Christmas items are all available at the “Happy Xmas” store, which you will find featured on the front page and in the featured spaces panel.   Come visit and indulge all your virtual Xmas shopping desires…

Christmas Trees  (standard and Deluxe version)
Mistletoe - for those romantic Christmas moments
Hand held fireworks - available for use anywhere!
Super Snowball - fires 8 snowballs in quick succession
Hannukah candles
Elf standard helmet
Xmas wall hanging lights  (VIP version animated)

Christmas Food Items

We’ve got delicious Christmas fare available for you and your friends - Christmas cookies, Turkey with all the trimmings in tray, Plum pudding with Holly on top, Large Ham with pineapples, Roast dinner, Eggnog and  Christmas cookies.

Standard Items ‘Christmas Transformations’

There will be a general Winterising and ‘Christmassing’ of many standard items over the festive season:

All trees will be winterised and covered in snow
Stockings will appear on all fireplaces
All doors will be decorated with Holly wreath on doors
Snow will appear on outdoor wall texture tops and corners
These will return to normal just before new years eve.

Wishing you all the very best of the Christmas Season

From all of us here at SmallWorlds, we’d like to take this opportunity to wish you, your family and all of your loved ones a very happy Christmas.   

Here in NZ there’s no snow at Christmas-time, so we’ll all be getting down to the beach on Christmas Day for a yuletide BBQ! (but we dream of white Christmas’s all the same). 


May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
The warmth of Christmas grant you love.
~Author Unknown

Awww Cute!  Thanks for posting!   :2thunbs:    :hug:

So cute!! Do they only have Christmas items? Any Hanukkah, perhaps?  :hmmmm:

Panda Pandora:

--- Quote from: AmberDaze on December 16, 2008, 10:01 AM ---So cute!! Do they only have Christmas items? Any Hanukkah, perhaps?  :hmmmm:

--- End quote ---

I looked for the Menorah today but could not find it. I did find a moderator and he said it was not out yet but would let me know when it is.  I also asked if the Menorah was the only Hanukkah item they would have and he could not tell answer that but again would get back to me.  He said he added me to his friend list so he could mail me when he finds out.
So when he gets back to me on those questions I will post it and let you know Day.  Hugs

I absolutely LOVE the wrapped gifts idea and that you can make them wait till Xmas to open it.  :)

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:


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