I had decided long ago, that my "goal" with a game, was to be able to be with my friends I made over the 3 years of VMK. I had the full 150, and always a waiting list, since about four months into the game. There were always at least 20 online at any given time.
To that end, I have no interest in how any avatar looks, just let me be with my friends.
When I used to try to play VFK, it was very disappointing to almost never see any friends logged on. (I still have a lot of friends I never did find on VFK.. very difficult to "run into them".) I have to "wait" for early closing, to hope to find more than one or two. As I am not proficient at their games, the only draw for me is their quests.. though they are wickedly lame and offer no challenge.
SmallWorlds made it easy to find friends, they have been the best for that. I do enjoy their games, and the missions have both lame and challenge. Building is fun, exploring even more so. I have found that in exploring, I have even made new friends, and there is almost always a few friends on. Chinese checkers, while being "old school", provided the best party with old friends I ever had, since VMK closed. It helped that there were bugs in the game, and a very friendly staff member who was so willing to join right in.
Pixie Hollow, with planned meets, was great to find friends. However, now that I collected everything I could, earned every badge.. and cannot participate in shopping without being a member.. there isn't much to do until more challenges come out. So friends are few and far between as well.
EI has only just barely opened its shores. By the way they handled allowing VMKers to pre-register first, and bring them onto the island first, has made it easy to find friends.. although there are a lot more I hope to hook up with. I do like the single player games, and look forward to competitions in "tribes" as being similar to the team competitions in VMK. I don't much care for the "sticker items" for our houses, but they are amusing and very imaginative. They have also shown in their Field Guide, that there will be things to collect. So, solo and team games, collections, quests after a fashion with team competitions.. so far.. I can live with that.
EI has been VERY responsive and quick to listen and fix things.. VFK could use a lesson from them.
So.. my bottom line being friends.. says at the moment.. if I had money to pay.. it would be between SW and EI.
But I want to see more of EI first.. more friends, more of what they say is coming, and more info on the differences between paid/free memberships.