Online Worlds > Pixie Hollow

Good news and bad news about badges


Well, the good news, is I never wrote in about not getting the Spring Meadow badge (mine always showed 3 out of 5 meadows), yet both my fairies now have it.  So I think anyone else who had not gotten that badge, might now have it. :thumb:

Bad news, we knew they had taken away some of the badges, like the ones you didn't complete for celebrity/ratings, and summer badges not completed.  But any badges you had completed were still displayed in your leaf journal.

Well, they took away even the completed celebrity and rating badges.  So badge counts have dropped by however many of those celebrity/rating badges you had completed. :td:

Ah well, such is the strange mind of Disney  :hmm:

Well, keeping with the strange mind of Disney...I'm wondering if they've dropped these only in the NON-member's journals...  :hmmmm:

I wonder why they did this!  We worked hard for those badges!  I'm about ready to forget playing any Disney games!

Thank goodness for screen shots...


--- Quote from: wdwdreamin on November 07, 2008, 01:41 PM ---Thank goodness for screen shots...

--- End quote ---

IF you took them! :doh:


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