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Author Topic: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)  (Read 26110 times)

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Thought this info might be helpful to some... :)

Back when the following site came out, I joined and created a D-Name (AmberDaze). Here's the link:

D-Gamer: http://www.dgamer.com or http://disney.go.com/dxd2/index.html?channel=68447

This site asks for your D name, but you can sign on from Pixie Hollow to view your account settings (leaf journal -> click on options -> click to view your account information. If you've already chosen a D-Name, it will show up here. If you haven't, you can still create one with this fairy account). Here's the direct link to your account management: http://disney.go.com/fairies/pixiehollow/accountmanagement.html. It's on this page that you'll see your D- Name. I'm not sure if you can change it, but you can always create a new login and create a new D-Name. :)

Hope this makes sense!  :hug:

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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 06:13 PM »

Thank you for posting this Days!  I had no clue.  I *think* I just changed my guest title to DreamTulip once it is approved.
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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 06:49 PM »

You know  :hmmmm:   I did sign up for that D-Gamer thing a long time ago too ... Maybe that's why my "title" was approved so quickly?  Because I really didn't have to go through the process again. 

Thanks for posting Days! 
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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 06:50 PM »

You know...when I called Disney Internet to have my password reset for one of my titles, they told me that I could have signed on with any of my VMK names/passwords. I found that very strange... 

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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 07:02 PM »

I was just going to post a question about this.

Before I saw this Thread I searched through my Journal, and did the same steps you said to do to see you D-Gamer name.  And when I saw my D-Gamer name I was wondering what that was for.  I was also wondering how people were able to put there own titles up top their fairy names.

Is there any way to change what you already have??  Mine is fantasy-Emerald,  I think.  But I would like to change it to fantasymooma so others know that it's me.   But I sure didn't pick out that name before hand.  My first fairy I made was Cheyenne Pixiedust.  Then when that one didn't show up when I logged in not to long ago I made a new fairy titled Emerald. 


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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 07:18 PM »

According to the FAQ on this page: http://home.disney.go.com/guestservices/faqs#member26...

"We do not currently offer the ability to switch D-Names. Once a D-Name has been associated with an account, it cannot be changed. When you submit a D-Name for approval, we encourage you to choose one that you will remain satisfied with for a long time."

But I don't see why you can't just sign up another account with the D-name that you want. I haven't tried that, but can't see why that won't work...?

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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2008, 12:42 AM »

I was having trouble signing in the other day. the morning the berry festival started it finally took me to a terms agreement page and then to the d-name page I picked Charstar_Wishes  for my name But I am still waiting for approval.  Anyway Just thought I should let you know I was able to do this thou not on my own through pixie hollow website. 
I thought it was doing this for everyone.   


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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2008, 02:50 AM »

You know...when I called Disney Internet to have my password reset for one of my titles, they told me that I could have signed on with any of my VMK names/passwords. I found that very strange... 

Actually I believe this is my problem.  Waaaaaay back, when D-gamer started, I had used my VMK login for duck, but when I applied for PurpleDuck, they said it was unavailable!  GRR!  So I selected my "second" at that time, from VMK, SnowIce.  That was approved. 

But, had you not started this topic, I never would have figured out how SnowIce showed up instead of PurpleDuck, because I KNEW I was using my VMK id/pass.  Only when you got me to go look at all those links you supplied, did I discover that Pixie Hollow was running off of D-gamer, not the original "Disney".

Had I ever (back then) had a hint that D-gamer would be used down the road, instead of the "Disney" for things like this.. VMK style that I want people to know me.. I would have chosen much more wisely.

You know, I wonder now.. knowing it is D-gamer.. if I wasn't allowed to choose PurpleDuck because of the "Duck".  After all, we can't even say that in Pixie Hollow.. yet how strange I can say Kat, spelled that way!  :??:

As it is now, I cannot change that D-gamer title, as you stated just a couple posts ago.  To set up another account, I presume would still reject PurpleDuck for whatever reason it did the first time.. and worse, it would not have my current fairy.. who now has 40 badges, 11 of the 12 Flitterific for collecting 500 of each item.  :cry:

So I have to hope that you all will take the time to open the "SnowIce" friend, to see it says me below it :pray:
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 02:53 AM by Purpleduck »
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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2008, 08:16 AM »

I have my own "cheat sheet" of fairy names I keep by the computer and I keep track of everyone's D-gamer titles there as well.  Very helpful since some of us still have Guest####### as their title.
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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2008, 11:50 AM »

My D-name is Aurorasparkle and my daughter is now Angelsparkle.  (It would not approve her Angelicasparkle name.)


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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2008, 11:53 AM »

Well this whole thing certainly gets more and more confusing doesn't it?!   :??:

You know...when I called Disney Internet to have my password reset for one of my titles, they told me that I could have signed on with any of my VMK names/passwords. I found that very strange... 

I think what Disney meant by this, maybe is this... It seems as though PH is linked to whatever accounts we had registered with Disney.  I'm thinking this, because of the Disney Movie Rewards too.  Because we couldn't use more than 1 code for a given movie title, we were pretty much forced to register a completely different email address with Disney, for the movie rewards.  That way if you had 2 movie codes for "Cars", you could enter them both, and get points.  Just enter each code, under each email account registered with Disney.

PH seems to be using whatever accounts we had previously registered with Disney in general, not necessarily with VMK.

As far as the D-Gamer thing... I'm still kinda confused.  Because I could of swore when it asked me to choose a D-Gamer title - I picked AstroGigiblue, just as Ducky did - and was told that title was already taken (even though I knew it was taken by ME, when I signed up for it months ago).  So then I THOUGHT that I chose just AstroGigi.  But friends are telling me my title shows up as AstroGigiblue.  So I have no idea how or why that happened now?   :hmmmm:  Furthermore, I thought that I was approved earlier (instead of just being a Guest), because I had registered for D-Gamer awhile ago.

Yeah, clear as mud I'm sure.  

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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2008, 01:48 PM »

After going to Check My D-name is approved.

My only problem is I used an email address for my Account ID and I changed my main email but I have to always use my old email to sign in...




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Re: D-Names (the name above your fairy's name on friend's lists)
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2008, 06:06 AM »

I think my D-name is Hibiscusflower which was one of my other characters on VMK.

I think I remember it not taking CoralHibiscus or something
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 06:08 AM by CoralHibiscus »
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