Online Worlds > Pixie Hollow

I ran out of Pixie Dust


Panda Pandora:
So sad, I tried to ask someone to be a friend and it said I ran out of Pixie Dust.
Is this their version of ran out of virtual memory?
Others ask me and I can accept; does anyone have a clue?   :sos:

I haven't had this happen yet Panda. I wonder if it means they declined your request. I can't imagine them doing that though since it is a way to get a friendship badge the more friends you have. Hmm.. :hmmmm:

Disney ran out of pixie dust? Hard to believe...  :lolg:

Panda Pandora:
I guess Disney had to collect some more pixie dust from Tinkerbell, It is working for me now  :) 
All better!!   :icecream:

Yay! So glad. :)


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