If you have more than one fairy, you can list them all if you like, just please indicate which is the primary you play with. Primary fairy titles will be listed first.~*kimma*~ - Iceshimmer, Icemint, Icestripe
Amberdaze - Daysky & Amber Daysky
Amethyst - Amethyst
AntJewel - Julie Brightjewel & Amethyst Brightjewel
Astrogigiblue - Autumn Firelashes
Aurorasparkle - Beautysparkle
- Aurora's DD - Sarah Morningglow
USE SPEEDCHATCharstar - April Stardance
chuckyduck - Autumn Wildshadow
CoralHibiscus - Coconut Islandspirit
Dawnfire - Amber Sunsprite
Disney-ite - Sapphire Moonbeam
DreamTulip - Tulip Tulipflower
Fantasymooma - Emerald Islanddance
Funfly - Little Funnyfly & Sky Funnyfly
funniebunny - Sunrise Diamonddust
Kat - Garlicbreath (
lab_girl - Sugarberry
LadyBoadicea - Emerald Firesong
MichelleXL - Shelly Fancybell
Mir4Mad - Hope
MummyKat - June Gigglebug
Panda Pandora - Pandora Islandsplash & Pandora Seamist
PrincessMadiro - Amethyst Rosepetal
PrincessWendyBird - Heather Gigglesong
- Princess' DD - Chloe Jellypool
USE SPEEDCHAT- Princess' DS - Indigo Cricketwind
PurpleDuck - Violet Purplefeather & Crystal Iceshimmer
Purrypaws - Hope Rainbowglow
RosieC - Rose Cottoncloud & Roseblossom
smackeralchick - Lavender Gigglegust
- Sister's DD - Winnie Cloudflower
Souper_Happy - Happy Giggleflower
SteelMagnolia - Lily Lovelyvalley
Stormy - Stormy Fireriver, Raven Thunderstorm & Fauna Mistyglade
WdwDreamin - Lilac Mistywillow
Okay! Here is the list turned around, in hopes it helps during meetings Amber Sunsprite - Dawnfire
Amethyst - Amethyst
Amethyst Rosepetal - Princess Madiro
April Stardance - Charstar
Autumn Firelashes - Astrogigiblue
Autumn Wildshadow - chuckyduck
Beautysparkle - aurorasparkle
Chloe Jellypool - PrincessWendyBird's DD (Princess Red)
USE SPEEDCHATCoconut Islandspirit - CoralHibiscus
Daysky - Amberdaze
Emerald Firesong - LadyBoadicea
Emerald Islanddance - Fantasymooma
Garlicbreath - Kat
Happy Giggleflower - Souper_Happy
Heather Gigglesong - PrincessWendyBird
Hope - Mir4Mad
Hope Rainbowglow - Purrypaws
Iceshimmer - ~*kimma*~
Indigo Cricketwind - PrincessWendyBird's DS
Julie Brightjewel - AntJewel
June Gigglebug - Mummykat
Lavender Gigglegust - smackeralchick
Lilac Mistywillow - wdwdreamin
Lily Lovelyvalley - SteelMagnolia
Little Funnyfly - Funfly
Pandora Islandsplash - Panda Pandora
Rose Cottoncloud - RosieC
Sapphire Moonbeam - Disney-ite
Sarah Morningglow - aurorasparkle's DD
USE SPEEDCHATShelly Fancybell - MichelleXL
Stormy Fireriver - Stormy
Sugarberry - lab_girl
Sunrise Diamonddust - funniebunnie
Tulip Tulipflower - DreamTulip
Violet Purplefeather - Purpleduck
Winnie Cloudflower - smackeralchick's DD (SesameStreetBoy)