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SW Wearable Items

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Another update on the SW Forums I noticed.  This is from 6 Days ago, posted by Siobhan Smallworlds (SmallWorlds Crew).   Bigger question is ... enough with the teasers, when will we be seeing any of this stuff?

Posted 6 Days Ago
Wearable items

Ever had the urge to fly? You are not alone. We had that in mind when we created our first set of wearable items - jet packs and angel wings. There's some other wearables we're throwing in too, mainly on the safety theme - but you'll see when the new version is released. For now, check out this preview:

:2thunbs: Astro!

I swear I have been looking but can never seem to find these things you do.  (Must be those feathers in my brain dusting too much out! :lolg: )

OMG!  That video!  Not only did I see one set of wings that really look like they could be duck wings.. but did I see a brief moment of a purple jet pack? :pray:

Great find Astro.  Let's see duck wings for PD and a silver fox for Fox.he!   :drinkingtoast:

For months LEAST two months SW has been ALL SHOW and NO GO.....I keep logging in now and then....on the off chance that.....but, sadly NO!!....nothing new options to gain tokens.....fewer than 100 people total in the sad   :cry:


--- Quote from: mummykat on September 04, 2008, 06:21 PM ---For months LEAST two months SW has been ALL SHOW and NO GO.....I keep logging in now and then....on the off chance that.....but, sadly NO!!....nothing new options to gain tokens.....fewer than 100 people total in the sad   :cry:

--- End quote ---
It would be nice if they gave everyone a monthly stipend of tokens.  It would keep us in game, shopping, building and away from other games.   


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