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SW Stupid Heads Preview

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Hiya!  Here is another teaser from SW.  It is too funny.  In the video it should different heads you can out on another player including a head backwards, egyptian relic, fish, shrunken head, spinning clown and zombie head. 

The announcement:

The video "Early Release Head Magic:

OK, this is too funny! The fish head has me singing to myself now...

Fish Heads, Fish Heads, Roly Poly Fish Heads. Fish Heads, Fish Heads, Eat Them Up Yum!  :rofl1:

Here is a youtube video put to the music -cute!

Here is the totally weird original Barnes and Barnes original from the 80's...

Enjoy!  :rofl1:

HAHA!  Wonderful find Happy!  Still love the jackass head so far, although the shrinking head wasn't bad either :lolg:


--- Quote from: PrincessWendyBird on August 18, 2008, 10:58 PM ---OK, this is too funny! The fish head has me singing to myself now...

Fish Heads, Fish Heads, Roly Poly Fish Heads. Fish Heads, Fish Heads, Eat Them Up Yum!  :rofl1:

Here is a youtube video put to the music -cute!

Here is the totally weird original Barnes and Barnes original from the 80's...

Enjoy!  :rofl1:

--- End quote ---

Fish heads!!!   HAHA!   My brothers and I used to LOVE to listen to Dr. Demento on Sunday nights.  hehe


--- Quote from: souper_happy on August 18, 2008, 09:58 PM ---Hiya!  Here is another teaser from SW.  It is too funny.  In the video it should different heads you can out on another player including a head backwards, egyptian relic, fish, shrunken head, spinning clown and zombie head. 

The announcement:

The video "Early Release Head Magic:

--- End quote ---

Looks like it's going to get fun in SW.   Muahaha!   


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