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SW Next Release

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Found some more information about the SW next release, while looking through the Forums there.  This was from about a week ago, posted by Siobhan Smallworlds (SW Crew Member).

A big hi to all our beta-users - and a huge thanks for all the ideas, patience, support (and the occasional jibe) you've given us over recent weeks. We dare say you'll have noticed that the team have been spending a little less time "in-world" interacting with you all recently - and there are some really exciting reasons for that. We've been flat out building our latest release and it's jam-packed with new features. Some of the highlights include:

Our new Arcade Game widget

A searchable treasure-trove for your gaming pleasure. Crammed with some of the most famous and popular games from past and present, you'll be pleased to learn that you can even design, build and submit your own games using our upcoming developer site! You'll be able to rate each of the games and search for the most popular within each of our genres. Developers will be excited to learn about our Game API that enables your creations to interact with SmallWorlds social gaming features, such as highscore ladders and tournaments. Players can gain recognition (or notoriety!) and tokens for their skills, while developers can earn real money and cash prizes for their ideas and slick production.

Spells, potions, stinkbombs, rayguns and more!

Some things you just can't say with text. Sometimes, you need to cool-off your mates with a freeze-ray or express your inner joy by letting off an entire box of fireworks.

Maybe you need to leave the odd practical joke around to lighten up the atmosphere? Do you love pizza parties - or want to treat someone special to some chocolates?

What about setting up a funky nightclub in your space and selling drinks. Has a certain someone been bugging you? Why not throw a stinkbomb and let them know what time it is! Stay tuned to our forum - we'll be showing you some videos of what to expect!

Funky new wearable items

Fancy a new, rare cape? How about a jet pack to fly around in? You might need a crash helmet to go with it as well. Over the coming releases we will be introducing an seemingly endless supply of wearable items to help you stand out from the crowd. Watch this space!

Design-your-own Missions!

One of the coolest things we have coming up will enable you, the players, to design and create your own missions. Your imagination will be the limit of the variety of fun and challenge you can set for your friends. You'll be able to design tasks using anything in SmallWorlds - so you can imagine the possibilities created by the introduction of the spells described above, combined with arcade games, interactive items, puzzle widgets and so much more. You'll also be able to set up portals and doors leading to different parts of your spaces. Give players a matrix-like choice of doors, some leading to dead-ends, some to treasure. Create puzzles made from switches that must be flicked in the correct sequence to reveal the next stage of the challenge. Dish out hefty rewards of tokens or items for those who complete the trickiest quests. Keep an eye out - we'll be revealing some ideas and examples that we've been cooking up over the coming weeks.

Embed SmallWorlds in your blog and your MySpace page

We're adding a great way to share SmallWorlds with your friends - and show off your carefully crafted spaces to the world. With SmallWorlds embedding, you can put a little flash widget (you choose the size) that links to your SmallWorlds Space in your own webpage, blog entries or MySpace profiles. What's more, you'll be able to decide if you want your guests from the outside world to interact with the other players in your space without even needing to register - that's all part of our new Guest Entry feature. You can also choose to embed our compact Chat Client to enable your guests and friends to instant message direct into SmallWorlds - there're some serious possibilities for interaction on a grand scale. Create a space centred around your special interests and hobbies and attract enthusiasts from all over the world to exchange ideas.

Buy and sell spaces and items in SmallWorlds

Fancy yourself as a virtual wheeler-dealer? Perhaps you just want to be a SmallWorlds property magnate? How about creating massively amazing adventures for you and your friends? In our upcoming release you will be able to buy and sell indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as selling any item you own. Connect your spaces together using doors and portals to create you own world. The possibilities are endless.

** AN UPDATE FROM TODAY 8-13-08 **
From Siobhan Smallworlds (SW Crew Member)

Here's a sneak preview of some of the cool pranks and effects we have coming up in our next release!

Stinkbombs - no longer will your friends make sarcastic remarks and escape unpunished!

And if your dancing styles are still a little novice why patiently practice and build real skill when you can call on the arcane powers of the shrunken voodoo doll? Only the future can tell what price you will pay for your new moves

And these are just a couple of the reasons to celebrate. So let off some fireworks in your very own virtual 4th of July (or Guy Fawkes, Diwali or New Years Day).

~ Below is a YouTube Video by SW showing off some of the new stuff ~

:wavet:  Alright!  Love the jackass head.. hope that will be something we can do to others LOL!  Also that stink bomb will allow a role reversal from King chasing me in VFK with HIS gas!  :rofl1:

Wonderful find yet again Astro!  :thumb:

 :rofl1: :rofl1: HAHAHA!  I thought the same thing!   Jackass head!!   :rofl1:  :rofl1:

Hehe, fun stuff!  Notice the flies buzzing around the person's head, when a stink bomb is used.  haha!  :laugh2:

I couldn't help but notice mention of a helmet in that blog.  Do I even dare get excited about the prospect of having my dear old bit helmet back???   :dance3:


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