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Author Topic: What are your favorite sports to watch?  (Read 37447 times)

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Re: What are your favorite sports to watch?
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2008, 11:10 PM »

I like to watch anything where the women wear skimpy clothes!  :heat:  >:D

I thought that was a given. :rofl1:

My hubby said that's what his favorites are too  :uhuh:  :lolg:
He also said he likes the Olympic Couch Sleeping Contest  :rofl1:

Don't usually catch much for summer ones except some of the gymnastics - although hubby says he can't imagine putting his size 13 feet on such a tiny beam.

The beer drinking and hot dog eating contests are always fun too. :drinkingtoast:

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Sweet maiden of the golden ale.

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Re: What are your favorite sports to watch?
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2008, 11:17 PM »

Well, King was hoping with all the talk of the pollution over there they might add a "Gas Off"  :gas7: as an exhibition game this year. But since all of our gassy folk are present and accounted for, I guess not.  :lolg:

At our house, we really have many events on and we usually keep track of medal counts as a part of homeschool. But, I'd say our favorites would be:
Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
I'm with Belle, we love the personal stories of so many of the athletes.
We love gymnastics. It amazes me to watch them do what they do.
We also love to watch the swimming and diving. (my dad was a swimmer - his specialty, the butterfly)
Many of the track and field events will keep our interest as well.

To be honest, almost any event will interest me if there is an interesting story to go along with that event. However, I am not one to watch the many soccer, baseball, or basketball games. Highlights and scores will suffice for me there.  ;)

You say I'm a wench like it's a bad thing!
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