Sports (Fanatasy & RL) > Olympics

What are your favorite sports to watch?

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--- Quote from: gshawen on August 06, 2008, 04:25 AM --- I like to watch anything where the women wear skimpy clothes!  :heat:  >:D

--- End quote ---

I thought that was a given. :rofl1:

Soccer is my Fave, or Football as they call it in Europe hee hee..........................Fee

My favourite sports to watch are badminton, mountain bike, swimming and pole vaulting.

Gymnastics! Those women make me hurt watching them on the balance beam. My husband always groans in pain when they do their routines on those 3 inch wide beams.  And men's diving and swimming, for obvious reasons, hehe.  >:D


--- Quote from: Antjewel on August 06, 2008, 05:03 PM ---And men's diving and swimming, for obvious reasons, hehe.  >:D

--- End quote ---

Woot!   :wavet:


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