Online Worlds > Pirates of the Caribbean Online
Can I still get the 30 Day Pass from the VMK website?
I sent in my VMK name today, but when I went back to the web page to re-read and make sure I didn't miss anything I saw that the deadline was July 15th.
So... :shy: I was wondering if anyone else has sent in a request for the free 30 days after the 15th.
Hi Fantasy -
I sent my email requesting the free 30 days on 6-27. I have yet to hear a response either way from Disney.
I know you were looking for anyone else that sent a request in after 7-15. But, seeing as I didn't get a response either, and I was prior to that, I have no idea what Disney is doing in regards to this issue? :??:
My guess ... we probably won't be seeing any free 30 day trial like we were told sadly. :td:
Well I did get my codes from Disney/VMK after all. :o
I sent my request 6-27-08, and got my codes for POTC and Toontown via email on 8-28-08.
Anyone else have any luck??
If not, have hope.
Screen shot below of the emailed letter, that did include the codes for the 2 games as promised:
Great you got the codes!
Can't for the life of me though, figure why it would take 2 months.. :tw:
got codes for one account but not for my main acct Maleficent2 :(
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