Online Worlds > VFK Trades & Wishes

Trading Scam Alert

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Keep you eyes open. Never trade anything if you can not see it in the trade box. Never !!!! I think we adults are smart enough but please pass
this on to your kids playing.

I was asked to trade three ruby magic for one sparkle. I said sure. I put it in and waited.

he said can you see it. (first clue we never say that we say is that what you wanted, or is that the right amount not
can you see it)

I said no and asked him not to do this it hurts people he said prove it.

I did send in pic of this to VFK contact us. As the trade never happened I do not know what can be done.

But because of the bugs many may think it is one. It is not the bugs even if it could be never trade if you do not see things in your trade box

I also sent it in incase any kids already get scammed and because it is a guest hard to remember there title. :)

PS I am first to post in trades :) Well not a trade but was about trading :)


I know not everyone is able to or choses to use gadget.  Gadget does have feature where it automatically takes a photo of trades.

When the magic pins first came out I experienced a bit of a trading bug.  It was my first trade.  I was trading 2 store magic in return for one quest magic.  It took 3 or 4 tries until both of us had the window square.  When I put my 2 pins in the window, (possiblly due to lag) it appeared on my side as 3.  I had no idea what the other player did or did not see.  I just knew something was wrong on my side.  When I removed one, it appeared as only one pin on her end.  I told the player, please let's start again.  Then we got it set and she decided on different store magic.  Removing an item again caused a viewing issue.  Third time was the charm.  After the trade I asked the player to check her inventory to be sure the items did get there....and I did the same.  It was fine.

Recently when I was gifting a few items I experienced a similar issue.  I knew I only had 2 of certain items on my character in inventory, but with lag it appeared in the trade window as 3 of some items.  The end result was a max of 7 items, not 8 in the window.   

Tip: Add items slowly. 
Tip: If it appears as if an extra item has been loading in to the trade window (for either player), cancel the trade and start over.


for some reason gadget does not pick it up till trade accepted. Must be a que for it. Since nothing was accept no picture. This was nothing like what happened to you. I too went through that.

But they key was do you see it. Remember those words. Then when I said please do not trade this way he said prove it. Normal players would say I can see are you sure. Lets try again.

Instead he was pushing for me to contact staff. So I knew what he was doing but some kids will not :(


--- Quote from: littlebelle on July 12, 2008, 09:59 PM ---for some reason gadget does not pick it up till trade accepted. Must be a que for it. Since nothing was accept no picture. This was nothing like what happened to you. I too went through that.

But they key was do you see it. Remember those words. Then when I said please do not trade this way he said prove it. Normal players would say I can see are you sure. Lets try again.

Instead he was pushing for me to contact staff. So I knew what he was doing but some kids will not :(

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the tip on gadget.  It is unfortunate that players feel the need to scam.  VFK would be wise to send some staff members undercover in trade rooms to flush out the "bad guys and gals".  Such a move would certainly send a message. 

Thanks for posting and for the tips!   :thumbs:

Even though I'm an adult, it's a good reminder.  Because the trade windows in vfk seem to go very slowly.  Sometimes I click forever it seems on an item before it finally shows up in the trade window.


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