Online Worlds >

What to do about...

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There's an annoying little bugger who is sort of stalking me...I'm sure he added me to his friends list, since he's been messaging me. I happened to meet him at least a week ago while helping Happy with her missions (Happy, you must remember had booted him at one point). He followed me the next day into a friends room and was really obnoxious. He finally left, but he found me the next day...I guess he learned that I was looking for graffiti boards to draw he asked me to draw him a picture. I followed him to his room and started to try and draw Mickey Mouse (which is SOOOO not easy with the weird lines and curves), but he and other ppl who began arriving, kept popping into the drawing. I exited out of the graffiti board and told him I would have to try another time...then I signed off.  He's been messaging me since, many times demanding that I let him into my house (that I've put on Member's only) and just being an all around jerk (to many others as I have heard). I haven't really been on much this past week, but I get emails when messages are received in SW, so I signed on to see what amusing thing he had to say today, and he said, "hey let me in your room!"  I sent him a message back today saying, "Please don't be rude. I wasn't in SW, I guess I was still logged in at my Home page." He sent me a message back saying, " ? it set to private and i not rude and i just asking." I know I am encouraging him by even responding, but I did and said, "hey let me in your room!" is not asking, it's demanding, and it is rude. I have my reasons for keeping my room private, and I do believe I have that option. :)"  I thought I was finally rid of him, but he replied, "sorry if it sound rude but ok pal." But then he goes and sends me a gift (a flower vase) and another message saying something like, "you get the gift and accept my apology now?" What am I going to do with this little bugger? I'm usually a patient person when it comes to others, but I just don't want anything to do with him. It isn't in me to really be rude, but if he keeps messaging me...  :boxing: Any suggestions?

I had a truly bad stalker in VMK (and DIS)!  My first suggestion is to put him on your friends list, and choose the "block him" option.

While I don't know what that really does, even if it only makes it so you can't see his conversation that may help, as he should drift away after a while of not getting responses from you.. since you dont know he spoke.

If you're lucky, maybe it will catch and turn away messages he tries to send as well.

I doubt it will stop him knowing where you are, and going there (public places) but again, if you cant see his talk, he should grow bored quickly.

Feathers crossed gf! :hug:   Let me know how it goes?

TY hugs, Duck.he.  :hug: Apparently he knows me from DIS...*sigh* I will definitely let you know what happens. I totally forgot about the block option though, thanks. :)

And thanks for the story you left in my guestbook, and for the purple feather trail!! I still haven't gotten all of them picked up!  :rofl3:

 Let me in your room!


--- Quote from: AmberDaze on July 07, 2008, 06:45 PM ---TY hugs, Duck.he.  :hug: Apparently he knows me from DIS...*sigh* I will definitely let you know what happens. I totally forgot about the block option though, thanks. :)

And thanks for the story you left in my guestbook, and for the purple feather trail!! I still haven't gotten all of them picked up!  :rofl3:

--- End quote ---

Call Happy over, she has been cleaning up behind me (or Bright) since I took to the mansion game in VMK!

(btw, I think my story is the same as you mentioned here.. that you were a residual ghost that day.. cause even when i went right back to my room, you STILL showed online in your room!  Either that or you found a most excellent place to hide in there! :lolg: )


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