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In the artist thread I've been joking around about people erasing my stuff, but apparently my room or my items have some bugs in them.  My graffiti wall was erased, my Flickr frame was erased, and now I find that my stereo playlist has changed back to its original playlist.  I had added a bunch of songs and set it to shuffle the playback.  I had saved it correctly as it worked fine for a couple of days, but this morning it is back to the smaller playlist and no shuffle.  Has anyone else been experiencing any bugs or is my room the Bermuda Triangle of Smallworlds?   :??:

Well maybe this is a bug issue then.  I've had issues with the Flickr Frames.  I had downloaded vmk screen shots that I had wanted to use in the frames.  Everything went fine, I had everything viewable to everyone, so that I could pull them from a search when configuring.  I did notice that the vmk screen shots were not searchable when configuring the Flickr frames right away.  More like, I had to wait a couple days before the screen shots ever showed up.  I downloaded a few more vmk screen shots, however after DAYS of waiting, they are not showing up at all.  I have no idea where they are, as they are not coming up in the search, when trying to add them to my existing Flickr frames.  But if I go into my Flickr account, they are all there.  Weird.  I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, and why I can't find the few screen shots that I recently added now.   Maybe more bugs?   :??:

Sounds like someone should call an exterminator. :rofl1:

Ok now I am full blown gonzo confused!  :crazy2:  And at the same time super dee duper excited!!!   :yes!:  I logged in this morning and my palm tree painting is back!  Wootness!!

The confused part is that I painted something else on that wall.  Cleared it.  It came back and I cleared it again.  Days painted on that wall and then cleared it.  So how it knew to bring back the palm tree painting and not the other two I have no idea.  Maybe I shouldn't have built my room over that old indian burial ground?   :lolp:

Anyway, thank you smallworlds gods for my painting back.   :bow2:


--- Quote from: DisKatDisKat on July 03, 2008, 09:06 AM ---Ok now I am full blown gonzo confused!  :crazy2:  And at the same time super dee duper excited!!!   :yes!:  I logged in this morning and my palm tree painting is back!  Wootness!!

The confused part is that I painted something else on that wall.  Cleared it.  It came back and I cleared it again.  Days painted on that wall and then cleared it.  So how it knew to bring back the palm tree painting and not the other two I have no idea.  Maybe I shouldn't have built my room over that old indian burial ground?   :lolp:

Anyway, thank you smallworlds gods for my painting back.   :bow2:

--- End quote ---

Silly kat!  It is because you installed that maintenance hatchway under your Flickr frames and posters, and the ghosts of Lost are surfacing to wreak havoc on your mind!!  :rofl1:

Seriously,  :yes!:  I am so happy to hear your grafitti wall pic is back!!


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