Online Worlds >

OMG DH is playing SW

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Last night DH came over and expressed interest in SW...I just about fell over *scream* He has NEVER, and I mean NEVER expressed ANY interest in playing ANY online game with Monkey and me. So this is BIG! I thought it might be a 1 time thing, but lo and behold, there was signing in again today and playing pool and doing his own missions! AH!! Either I am dreaming or he's seriously ill.  :rofl3: :rofl1: We went on our first virtual date last night, and today he watched as some guy in the Cue Club told me I was good looking and wanted my email (in Portuguese.) Hahahaha  :rofl1:

Umm, gf?  You missed a HUGE piece of the story of his getting on SW!  Just how many hours did Kat and some others spend trying to help you (him) choose a name?

So.. WAT is his name???  Inquiring helpful friends (and a stranger) want to know! :lolg:

(Please don't say you went with the Simpsons suggestions! :ahh: )

ROFL!! Oh yeah...I forgot about that. Heh, I think I was left by myself in a few rooms while I was helping him choose. It took him a few hours before he decided on a name he liked (and one that I approved of! ROFL). And he DID go with a Simpsons character -- Maxx Power (with extra 'x'). OK, so he didn't like "Scorpio," "Corsair," "Sky Raider," or "Falcon," but I guess I'll live with it.  :rofl1:

But OMG he's still playing!!  :type: He isn't quick to type, and is still looking around at things, but he's still playing! *falls over*


--- Quote from: AmberDaze on June 22, 2008, 05:40 PM ---ROFL!! Oh yeah...I forgot about that. Heh, I think I was left by myself in a few rooms while I was helping him choose. It took him a few hours before he decided on a name he liked (and one that I approved of! ROFL). And he DID go with a Simpsons character -- Maxx Power (with extra 'x'). OK, so he didn't like "Scorpio," "Corsair," "Sky Raider," or "Falcon," but I guess I'll live with it.  :rofl1:

But OMG he's still playing!!  :type: He isn't quick to type, and is still looking around at things, but he's still playing! *falls over*

--- End quote ---

LOL!  Well a Simpsons character like that is all good here haha!  It was Kat's ideas of using Bart's prank phone calls that worried me!  :rofl1:

Woot!  Congrats Days!   :dance3:

That will be such fun for your family, to all be able to play SW together!


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