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Tortilini Dinner


Since I put the brownie recipe here finally, thought I should add something somewhat healthy too.

Heat olive oil in pan - add 1 grated carrot, chopped sweet peppers(yellow,green,red for color), garlic if you like, asparagus (cut up), Italian spices; Cook until tender. (add olive oil as needed)

Cook tortilini as instructions on package(s). (I used both meat tortilini and cheese tortilini)

Combine all the above ingredients in bowl, add fresh cut or diced tomatos, parm cheese, more olive oil if needed....serve with bread

Leftovers can be served cold as well for summer salad quick dinners.

Omg, this sounds wonderful!!!  I'm definitely going to try it soon.  Thanks for posting it.   :yourock:

You're welcome! If anyone does any variations on this let me know...always looking for something different

We are going to Olive Garden tonight, and now after reading this recipe I am suddenly craving Tortilini hee hee. Sounds yummy......................Fee

Ooooooo! Yummmmm!   :drool:


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