Ok, it took me a little bit to post like I said for this. Background on it is Suzanne Somers (yep from 3's Company show) gave it on some talk show when 3's Company was popular and I copied down years ago...My mom said "why are you writing that down?" She later told me she was glad I did as this is her favorite brownie now.
In small pot melt: 1 stick margerine and 2 small squares of bitter chocolate.
Beat in bowl using a
FORK: 2 eggs; 1 cup sugar; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/2 cup flour.
Add to ingredients in the bowl the melted margerine and bitter chocolate; splash of vanilla and beat with FORK. (Stress - FORK, I think it must add air to the mix)
Pour into greased 8 x8 pan; sprinkle with nuts and 1 cup of chocolate chips on top......(although I skip the nuts and add more chips - chocoholic comes to mind

Bake 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes......enjoy!