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What am I going to do after the summer?! Staying up until 4am won't be easy when I have to get up at 7!  :rofl3:


--- Quote from: Purpleduck on June 18, 2008, 12:55 AM ---Ah, somebody else is missing her too!  I thought I was the only one, because I don't play Gaia, and she seems to "be stuck" there.

I for "two" would like her virtual self to be on SW more ~ and not be afk!  Astro, Days and myself had a perfectly wonderful night in those comfy lounge chairs at the waters edge, but missed being "happy" for your not being there!  Now get out of Gaia, take a day off from the Purple Feather Shop, and join us!  :please:

(Psst, Astro.. maybe if we took a bunch of my feathers and strewed them around SW, she would come.. she still is in the habit of cleaning them up.  What do you think, do we need to get this desperate?)

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 :lolg:  Ah yes, Happy girl loves her Gaia!  We found you out Happy!  I'm on Gaia ... sometimes....   :blush:   Not often enough though, and I know that.   :(

The Island in SW is quite relaxing.  I happened upon it when I wasn't able to load any other public rooms.  The lounge chairs and sand is a very nice view!  You never know who will be following you through the maze.  Even Ant got to pop in for awhile to chat with us!   :tan:

I agree Ducky.  I think if you do leave a trail of purple feathers, Happy will be there to clean them up.  Just make sure the trail begins in your pond though.  It's an awesome room you created there!   :thumbs:

--- Quote from: souper_happy on June 18, 2008, 09:33 AM --- :bighug:  I'll try.  If there is a certain time you tend to all be on, please PM me the time and I'll see what I can do. 

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Well ... the "gaming" hours that I am keeping lately are horrible, and my times are never the same.  Shame on me.  hehe   Summer always gets really busy for me, and I don't really tend to be on any site usually until at least after 9pm my time, if not later.  That is one thing I knew I would be in trouble with, with SW.  It's open 24/7.  And there's always someone on as late (or early?) as I am.   :lolg:   Sometimes sooner, just depends on what is going on in "real".  Of course if I ever know of an exact time I'd be around, I will let you know.   :hug:

--- Quote from: Purpleduck on June 18, 2008, 11:17 AM ---I know I am all over the place with my times in the game.  But generally, there are a LOT of noBS players on, after closing in VFK.  (Yes it's late, but I see you still up and on here even then!) :lolg: :hug:

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Yes Happy!  I see you not sleeping girly, sometimes when I sign on here!   :uhuh:     :lolg:

--- Quote from: AmberDaze on June 18, 2008, 05:44 PM ---What am I going to do after the summer?! Staying up until 4am won't be easy when I have to get up at 7!  :rofl3:

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SmallWorlds being open 24/7, surely isn't helping all of us "addicts" is it??   :lol:   I hear you Days!


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