Online Worlds >

Do the pets get tired?

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I have twice now, experienced Brownie just stop following me?

Thankfully last night, I was on The Island, so I felt comfortable to finish exploring it, not like he had a lot of choices if he wanted to leave :lolg:

(I haven't done but one or two missions.. will I learn about this when I reach the mission where I have to create a dog with some silly name?)

I am not fully sure on this.  Cats stop following if someone Pats or pokes them - then I am not sure why they don't start again when commanded.  Cats have one level of happyness I think and two levels of displeasure.  One is discontent (!) the other is mean and ugly and involves growling and hissing.   :rofl1:


--- Quote from: Adventuredaz on June 07, 2008, 10:18 AM ---I am not fully sure on this.  Cats stop following if someone Pats or pokes them - then I am not sure why they don't start again when commanded.  Cats have one level of happyness I think and two levels of displeasure.  One is discontent (!) the other is mean and ugly and involves growling and hissing.   :rofl1:

--- End quote ---

I may have to go back on to check that out. LOL

I don't know. It seems Ohana forgot his tricks over night, so I have to train him again..
I think I shouldn't have let him wear those aviators. He thinks he owns the place!

Disvaclub had my answer, thanks gf!  :flwr:

It seems if someone pets your dog, your pet will stop.

She told me to type:  /pet  , and that that would show the commands.  I haven't tried it yet, but looks like I am not the only one needing this info.. :lolg: Coral


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