I also noticed that the count of people in the game shortly after VMK closed down was close to 8,000. On a weeknight??? That count remained high even as late as 9:45 pm. I think their counter was stuck!
I think the problem with that count was that vmk again had issues with people logging characters out. I had logged my clone on to run through credit run. She's on my main character's friend list. Well when I signed the clone out, and signed my main character in, the clone was still showing logged in ~ and the character was still in vmk ~ even though I signed her out completely. So I think that is why the count of people in-game was so off. Not sure if this was just a problem for tonight, or if that wicked problem is back to haunt us again?
yes that was the problem. I myself had 4 of my mules sitting in my room with my main. I even rebooted my computer and pulled the plug on my modem only to find them all still sitting in my room when I logged my main back on.
I told everyone that came in that is was my trophy room and that they were trophies I had stuffed and hanging on the walls.
this is the same bug that VMK had awhile back when everyone had so many problems on Sundays logging in for quests. Hope they fix it soon.