VMK no BS Info [Public] > Information for Guests & Lurkers (CLICK HERE - On the words, not the icon.)
To Our Unregistered Guests... (READ THIS FIRST)
All I can say is this:
If you are an adult, or near adult, who appreciates VMK, fun & good friends, register already!!!*** :nocool:
We feel you should know that if you a lurking unregistered guest, you only see these 5 boards, but the fun is in the other 20 you can't see as a guest. (OK Really it is only in 7 or 8 of them, but you will never know which ones until you register.) :cool2:
It is free, and unless you are full of BS, you have nothing to fear here. (Unless you are afraid of smiling, laughing and an occasional bunny with a pancake on it's head... :pb: )
*** Please disregard this offer if you are going to be rude, disruptive or bring childish BS to our forum.
I finally found a way to show our guests what they are missing...
As a guest our forum looks very small, and often not very active:
As a user you can see there is so much more:
(Thank you Mirage, for the use of your account to demonstrate.)
So go ahead and join the fun...
Posting is never required as even lurkers :lurk: are welcome.
Plus you get a really cool email newsletter about once a month.*
* OK the newsletter is not that cool, but it does keep you up to date on what is new here even if you don't log on that often.
More Info: :pengw: Do You Want To Join? (Tips for avoiding the ban...) :pengw:
Love the fine print! :thumbs:
we have limited rules here and as long as you read all the fine print you should be within our guide lines at all times ;) Welcome to VMKNoBs Join us today !!
--- Quote from: Daviedude on January 09, 2007, 04:41 PM ---we have limited rules here and as long as you read all the fine print you should be within our guide lines at all times ;) Welcome to VMKNoBs Join us today !!
--- End quote ---
Heh, not to be an annoyance...lol...but that almost sounded like a flight speech! Give or take a few words: "Please keep your seatbelt fastend at all times. Thank you for joining Delta Airlines" :D You know I have to pick on you, daviedude lol. ::)
This is a really neat site! I second the fact that the most amusing and entertaining parts are the hidden ones lol. Boy was it something when I joined and discovered the "buried treasure" ;)
We will be cruising at 35,000 ft, with a groundspeed of 537 knots. The skies should be clear, though we are anticipating some turbulence over the Rocky Mountains.... :)
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