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Author Topic: NASCAR Fantasy Racing 2018 Cancelled  (Read 27028 times)

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NASCAR Fantasy Racing 2018 Cancelled
« on: February 04, 2018, 02:06 PM »

NASCAR Fantasy Racing at Yahoo is cancelled this year.  Guess the interest went away as NASCAR classes became more and more just a bunch of lookalike cars with different names on them and anytime a team showed any innovation they were penalized. 

N(o)H(ot)R(ods)A(llowed) has turned into the same kind of "parity" game with classes of identical cars running different decals to make them Ford, Dodge, Chevy, Toyota, whatever and people lose interest.  Nobody seems to realize what hotrodding (or any type of racing) is about these days and the traditions are rapidly decaying into video game type stuff.

R.I.P. money motorsports.  They have been declining ever since they became big bucks corporate activities.  The racing will always be there between the guys that build their own cars in their garages, but that's what it has always been about.  Go out to the local short tracks, (dirt or pavement) and the "Nostalgia" drag races and watch it happen in real life this year.  The little guys are more fun to watch and always have been.  If you can't build your own and go racing, support those who can and do and tell the big business racing organizations they really don't matter.

Have a good year.  If you are looking for me I'm going to be working on the race car more this year and watching a lot less racing on TV.
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