Online Worlds >

Ahmose's Gem Hunt (2015)


Wow, this hasn't been updated in a long while, I hope Happy is ok.

SmallWorlds has a mission called Ahmose's Gem Hunt which gives you a Gem for completing it (I believe a rainbow gem), but the maps are a bit hard to understand at first so I thought I would post the answers for anyone that doesn't want to do the work themselves.  Good luck and have fun!  :)

Khafra's map goes to Woodlands Park
Darius' map goes to Luigi's Restaurant
Necho's map goes to The Zoo
Teos' map goes to White Sands Resort (The first four maps here are the Gem Hunt ones (they say Gem Hunt on them) and the red X tells you where in the room the gem is at.)

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:


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