Online Worlds > VFK - Virtual Family Kingdom

VFK is down for the moment! :(


VFK is down right now and right when I was trying for the Gift Boxes.  My luck lol.  The new day will start soon though so lets see if it is open then.

Hugz all!  :)

:crazy2: Krazy_Kim :crazy2:


Well I hope that is it then.  I thought I had managed to get myself a chat ban! lol  I had gotten two typing tickets and said something to fun about it and then Nothing!  Could not chat, or see people on the friends list or anything.  Whew! lol


--- Quote from: Tigerbella on October 26, 2015, 09:26 AM ---Well I hope that is it then.  I thought I had managed to get myself a chat ban! lol  I had gotten two typing tickets and said something to fun about it and then Nothing!  Could not chat, or see people on the friends list or anything.  Whew! lol

--- End quote ---

I know the feeling...I thought my chat with you gave me a ban and was trying to think what we said  :lolg:

It is working again though :)


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