Online Worlds > VFK - Virtual Family Kingdom

Funny thing about pumpkin pets and ghosts...


Today i put down some floating ghosts in my vampire room after putting down my pumpkin pets.  When I set down the first two ghosts they slid down the room.  However, once I placed them by the windows they stayed put.  But, when I placed the pink ghost it kept sliding down near the water dish of the pets for several minutes. :)  I still don't know if one of the pets was controlling it or that pink ghost really really liked the water dish! rofl! She finally settled down.  I did invite Mamasama in to see it though and she confirmed what I was seeing. lol

:laugh2:  I too have had that happen.  When my puppies were out, and their food and water dishes were also out, I had started to put down on of those caterpillars.  The kind from scavenger hunts, in several pieces.  They kept sliding for the water bowl too!!  Was so frustrating, but so funny too!

I don't now remember how I solved it.. maybe I picked up the water until the caterpillar was down?

Anyway, knowing you now had the same issue, I don't think it is the items, I think the water bowl is behind it! :lolg:

Bad water bowls! lol


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