Online Worlds > VFK Upcoming Events and New Items

Where to find things that are not currently posted in this section


Things have been rather hectic around the game and in real for many of us.

We have asked for help from you, our members, to post whatever/whenever to help in this process of keeping VFK updated.

I feel the highest priority is to keep the guides up, so there is a consistent area of both history and current information of any and all items/contests/events.  Due to that priority, if our members are not able to help post in this section, about new items and events, then please be advised that you CAN find that information in the guides.

Again, thank you, for ANY posting you can help with in this section.   :thumb:

** Point in case: The recent start of sandcastle building materials and sand dollar items.  There have already been four releases.  They are listed in the Guide to Furniture.


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